Saturday, March 5, 2011


Greetings and salutations,

First things first, I realize that my posting habits are gradually shifting later and later in the week. I do intend to keep my posts coming, once a week, unless otherwise noted. In which case I will make a small announcement proclaiming no new post or something along those lines. 

Now that that's out of the way, on with the post! Please note that this post will make use of music. This post will make more sense if you listen to the songs. Oh, and also, this post is very cliche and makes blatantly obvious points.

If you were you to look through my iPod or my iTunes library, you would find a decent range of musical genres. I have a little of everything (not really everything), which makes for very interesting playlists while on shuffle. For example,

This bit . . .

. . . has led into this.

I chuckled at the delicious hilarity that was made. It made my day significantly better because of how brilliant my iPod was. Speaking of my iPod . . . I love it. It is easily one of my favorite possessions. Top 10, easily. 

My iPod . . . sort of.

I generally always have it on me and can generally be found walking about with my headphones in, especially if I'm headed to class. I remember during my Senior year I had misplaced it and couldn't find it for a few days and I was terrified because I thought I would lose a bunch of the music I had on there. Turns out it was in my backpack the whole time. Go figure. I suppose it goes without saying that music is all that is good in the world all thrown into sometimes beautiful melodies, moving lyrics, and other such musical terms with prettily descriptive adjectives.

It goes without saying that everyone and their mother listens to music of some sort. Whether it's country, rock, pop, techno, hey, even heavy metal, which I tend to avoid like the plague, but I digress. People listen to what sounds good to them. I am particularly fond of Alternative music, but I do have a soft spot for some pop music. Especially Ke$ha, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears (not in that order) . . . it's those beats and catchy lyrics that get me. I can't help it; they make me happy. 

If you were to look at the top played songs on my iTunes library, it would mostly be songs by Flyleaf. I just love their music.

The above song is the most played song in my library. I think it's brilliant. Flyleaf is not all acoustic beauty (I almost went with beautifulness, when I realized that would sound dumb), they also have some really great songs to rock out to, as seen below.

Other than that, my musical tastes have changed a bunch over the course of my life, all 18 years of it. I believe I caught the tail end of my mother's 80's hair band phase as a small child, shifted to Disney music (which is still awesome), to country for a while, a long while, back when I didn't know how to find my own music, to pop, to rock, to my musical tastes today when I can competently find my own music. I believe I have good taste in music, and many others would probably agree. 

So, now that this post is done, I feel as if I need to say that writing about music was probably not the best idea. I feel like it's hard to be original when talking about your preference in music and other such things of that nature. So if it reads a little "meh," I'm sorry that this post is a little sub-par. 

Now, go snuggle under your blanket and take a well deserved nap.*

*I'm trying to find some decent way to end my posts in a sleep related way, telling people to go read doesn't have much to do with my blog theme (late nights and what not) so bear with me as I try different things out.

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