Friday, January 7, 2011

New Beginnings

Oh, hey there.

It has been almost a full week since second semester has started and boy have I missed the craziness, and by craziness, I mean awesome, and all the antics Hoyum 6 and 7 can and will most likely do. To be totally honest, I really did miss all of the people on these two floors of what is easily the coolest dorm on Earth. As much as I loved, and needed, that break where I did nothing, I began to grow restless and anxious to return back to Concordia and just hang out with everyone again.

All of the inside jokes, the thick Minnesoootan accents we all slip into from time to time, the landing, oh the landing, and floor dinners too! I missed people, specifically the people I am beginning to consider a family, as overstated and cliche as that sounds. (I know, I know, there's no accent over the "e" in "cliche." Well, I'm sorry.) I missed what is essentially my home and I know it isn't legitimately my home, it feels like one and I've missed it.

Okay, enough gushing about that. Now on to new beginnings and a fresh start! I am incredibly excited for my semester this time around; I signed up for all the classes I wanted to take and not just stuck into (ahem, Inquiry Seminar, Oral Communications). I mean, I love all the people in those classes, it's the classes themselves that sucked. And by sucked, I mean sucked. I don't mind public speaking, in fact I'm frequently found on a stage speaking, however, a slight difference there, but when I am told I have to follow these guidelines and do it this way and on and on and on and to finally have to be graded on it, it sucked for me. As for Inquiry Seminar, well, I just didn't care for the course. Simple as that.

But anyway, I am really excited for all of my classes. I also really like my schedule - it's really nice. Just a few gaps here and there that I could do without, but whatever. I'm really hopeful about all of them and I know everything will go so much better than last semester. Aside from my sleeping habits getting in the way again, *Refers reader to two posts ago*, everything should go well. I predict a bright and shining semester, but I don't want to get ahead of myself, so I'll stick with all of living in the moment and just going with the flow, feeling the flowage and what not.

Seeing as how I have yet to put a random picture somewhere in the middle of the post, here it is at the end. Something I've stumbled upon and thoroughly enjoy for a multitude of reasons.

Okay, so I put two up. I . . . just want you to have a doubly pleasant conclusion to reading this post . . . yeah, that's it, let's go with that. Enjoy the TWO pictures on your way out.

*UPDATE* Facebook is corrupting my ability to write about myself in the first person, so I've edited this post as such.
*ANOTHER UPDATE* I caught another instance of me talking in third person. Again, I place significant blame upon Facebook. I also modified it a smidgeon and have decide to reward you with another picture. 

And there you have it.

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