Monday, January 17, 2011


I originally planned to do this epic, sprawling five part blog about my life, but I figured that was overkill and took some of my mystique away (if what I have could be called mystique). I scrapped that idea and now have no real ideas for anything worthy to post as a blog.

But since I denied you the epic five part series of my life, I suppose I can give a brief synopsis of what it was all about. 

Warning: Time travel is about occur. If you are pregnant, have high blood pressure, pre-existing heart conditions, are prone to nausea on rapidly spinning objects, or are just afraid to go back to my past, I recommend you stop here.

Trippy, huh? Okay, not really. 
Welcome to my past!

I was born in Vegas on an Air Force Base, moved to Minnesota, mom discovered she was with another child, moved us to Alabama with the fool who fathered my brother (and later my sisters), things happened, we moved back to Minnesota, they divorced, and I moved around Minnesota (all within a 30 mile radius) a few more times. All the while I was growing up (somewhat faster than I needed to, for reasons that shall not be discussed just yet) and working my way through life the best I could, given the circumstances. I found and lost friendships through my life, like everyone, until I found a set of close friends who I can depend on. Elementary school was awesome, middle school sucked, and high school, except for Freshman year, was great. I am currently in college on the opposite side of Minnesota and have found and made many more friendships. 

And that my friends, is my life in a nutshell. More or less. There are a bunch of finer details left out, for brevity, but other than that, that is my past.

There are new things all over the place for me . . . okay, not really, but there are a few new things floating around in my life. One new thing is how my blog looks. I'm currently in the process of redecorating and what not, so things may change over the next few visits to my little blog. Bear with me as I go forth in that venture. 
Another new thing for me is . . . well, a clean fish bowl! Okay, that's for Faustus (and if you don't know who that is, for shame. Go back a post and educate yourself). But there was a fish bowl cleaning party . . . which was totally a good time. I discovered my fish is either asexual or just wasn't interested in the female fish that was nearby. The others at the fish bowl cleaning party didn't use those exact words, but it was something along the lines of Faustus being a gay fish. Which is absurd . . . okay, maybe less than absurd and a bit more outlandish.

Okay, so I hyped this post up a bit much . . . and will just have to give it the old college try next post. I really don't know what to write about. Plus, I'm exhausted. So, there's that. 

Until next time, when I will have a legitimate post for you to read. Promise.  And trust me, I have it worked out in my head. I just don't want to scrap another post. So, next week, there will be a definite post in which I will be completely open about a part of myself that I am open about, just not into any great detail. 

I don't break pinky promises.

UPDATE: Faustus isn't gay. He built himself a bubble nest, something the male betta fish do for breeding purposes . . . or something along those lines. All it took was some time. Also, my next post is coming along nicely, although it does feel a bit, jilted and unorganized in spots. So, we'll see how it goes. 

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