Friday, January 28, 2011

Body Modification

Most people who know me, or have at least seen the left side of my head, probably have seen a shiny, silver stud sticking out of my ear. It is no secret I have my ear pierced. 

If you look closely, you can see I am also sleep deprived.
I have intentions to pierce the other one. 
I want to give blood and plasma a few times first because I can't give for six months after having something like that (piercing) stuck in my head.

I also have plans to NOT gauge my ears. I think if it's done well and people don't go outrageously large with them, they look cool, however, that being said, the opposite end of the spectrum is too large, which look ridiculous. I personally will not be partaking in such a sordid affair.

I am also planning on adding some ink to my flesh, making me permanently (unless I opt for surgery to remove it) branded.  Most of my ideas are quotes from books, songs, or other forms of media.  Three such tattoos include "Love," "memento mori," and "memento vivere." The last two are Latin and roughly mean, "Remember you will die," and "Remember to live," respectively (and roughly). I also found another wonderful quote I might consider adding to my collection.  Not quite sure where I'll put the Latin, but "Love" will more than likely be going on the inside of my wrist, as seen below.

There, where I wrote it on myself 

I was thinking maybe this font. I like it so much. 

Other than that, I have no real plans to radically alter my appearance. The piercings and tattoos are a personal thing and have no impact on anyone else, provided that they aren't offended by such things. Which then, is not my problem.
I was raised in a household where tattoos and other such things were not discouraged or frowned upon. My mother alone has near twenty tattoos. Even my grandmother has a tattoo. My grandmother. My uncle has several as well, in addition to several piercings, including his septum. So, body art has more or less been a part of my life for a while now. In a sense. Yeah, but when I do get inked, I'll be sure to post pictures of said tattoos and what not. 

Silly little kids. Tattoos are for big kids.
Yeah, I'm going to be cool, just like these kids. Only not really.

Like this. Only not as skull-and-cross boney.

Yep, that's all I really have for this post. Tune in next week for more and what not.

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