Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Ahoy there, skippy.

Don't be offended, I call everyone that at some point in me knowing them.

Anyway, now that second semester is nipping at my heels, attempting to start consuming me and my sanity . . . or something like that . . . I have requested some rules that my best pal and her roommate established for their dorm room which I believe could work nicely for my dorm room.

  1. No dance parties while Jenna is gone (Jenna is NOT my roommate, she's five hours away)
  2. Door = LOCKED when we have our pants around our ankles (. . . Yeah. Don't want to be caught in a compromising situation, but my roommate walks loudly enough I can hear him coming.)
  3. No taking naps instead of doing homework (TV instead of homework is okay) (I'm highly likely to break this one.)
  4. No dying! (I make no promises)
  5. Don’t turn down Combos (Obvious. It's free food, you never turn down free food. Ever.)
  6. No murdering with spoons (Again, I make no promises.)
  7. Jenna must bring her keys (I tend to leave my keys in my room, all the time, unless I leave the building)
  8. Don’t panic! (This one may be an issue toward Finals)
  9. No Yankees fans (Also obvious. This is Twins Territory, deal with it.)
  10. No expired food . . . in the fridge. (I will go on an axe murdering rampage if this happens. Okay, not really, I'm not violent at all. I will however put in my angry eyes)
Most of these have exceptions and are plenty self explanatory. If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. However, I feel obligated to tell you that if you ask an obvious question, I will be forced to mock you. If we can abide by these rules, I truly believe we can have a successful and pleasant second semester. 

P.S. This post is not what I originally had in mind. This is simply a whole lot easier than trying to reign in my train of thought on the other one I had planned on posting. Just throwing that out there.

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