Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Update

Oh hey there all. 

It feels like forever since my last post, but it's only been a week. Which is really how frequently I plan to make posts.

Second semester is currently underway and is nearing the halfway point. Mid-Semester/Spring Break is coming upon us quickly and it shall be a most glorious break. 

My companion in life, otherwise known as friend, Catherine and I shall be staying on campus and will have run of the campus! Huzzah and the like. We have many, many nefarious plots and misdeeds planned. We have ten full days to accomplish anything and whatever we please. Yes, ten days. Our plans include: building forts, at least in my room, taking many artsy photos, including risqué photos, à la Miley Cyrus. Okay, not really, but we'll see. 

But cooler. And cleaner. And just plain more awesome.

But less of a "skank-muffin," to quote Catherine.
Oh, and we will be traipsing about in the Fargo/Moorhead area and having a grand ol' time. And I will also be memorizing things, such as lines for the One Act I was cast in! I was incredibly happy when I learned the news, but I was terrified as my name was the very last one on the very bottom of the email. As I scrolled down, my heart sank a little after every cast list, but fortunately I found my name and the rest is just fantastic. The play is called Bang Bang You're Dead. It is crazy awesome. I really wanted to be in this one as I am used to heavier stuff and not so much the comedies the five other plays were, which included, and I'm not even kidding when I say this, a comedic interpretation of Oedipus.  Yeah, crazy.  

So those are my plans for over break. They are subject to change and probably will with the ebb and flow of the week. 

Other than that, it's just life as usual here in Cobberville. 

Random tangent: I did just finish reading a book called Makes Me Wanna Holler and it made me think. A bunch. So story is I've never met my real father. In the book, the author's never really met and had much of a connection with his father. He goes out and knocks up a few women and struggles to develop a connection with one of his children and he basically isn't a major part of his life. The author mentions that he knows many other guys like him - never met their father or have no real relationship with their dad's. He says they have the same problems he does - they become absentee fathers. I started mentally freaking out about this; I'm more or less terrified that it will happen to me too.
As mentioned in a previous post, I was abused and I witnessed abuse. Statistically, I am supposed to inflict abuse similar to what I was subject to as a youngster upon my future significant other. ALSO terrifying. I am scared, terrified, worried, and other various emotions that come with these sorts of revelations. 

These are the things that consume my mind on top of everything else. As if I have really need to think about this and other such things. 

And unfortunately, I haven't been sleeping well again. Blast and darn and other such idioms. I can only do so much, and seeing as how I do not currently have health insurance (something that is being worked on), I can't really do much to remedy the situation aside from no caffeine, exercising, and everything else I've been doing which has gotten me nowhere. I really need to be put on something . . . like a new life schedule. Not a new sleep schedule, but a new life schedule that works around my sleeping habits. 

This turned into much more of a long winded post than just an update of my life. But I will keep the posts coming in a weekly manner and what not. As for break, I will probably add a few more posts with pictures and what not.

Later kids. Keep on reading my stuff. I appreciate it, even though I have no idea who's actually reading.  

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