Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Beginning

Oh hello there, it seems that you have found your way to a land of magic and wonder. If this is not the destination you wanted, well, sorry. 

Anyway, welcome to my blog! I felt inspired to set one up at various times but just failed to do so because of lack of inspirational topics and what not . . .  however, now that I am at college and have discovered how much I suck at this little game called "Sleeping Like a Normal Human at Normal Hours," I decided to create one. The title of my blog, as seen above, "Late Night and Street Lights" comes from a) my inability to fall asleep early like a normal person and b) the view I have of multiple street lights from my dorm room (Okay, not really street lights, more like path lights, but street lights had a much better ring to it). As a matter of fact, I have a street light right below my window, give or take a few feet. 

See? This is the view I have.

Now, I don't know how many people I will have reading my blog, ever. Which means little to me. This blog will be a cathartic experience for me. Just me, venting, getting my feelings out . . . on the internet, or as my floor likes to call it (maybe just me) the interwebs. Hmmmm. Maybe I should rethink the purpose of this blog? I dunno. Who knows. 

Well, I have sufficiently wasted time, as well as a bunch of other things, what specifically, I do not know. So, with that, I take my leave and we'll see where this blog takes me.

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