Sunday, December 19, 2010

Being A Functioning Member of Society

As everyone knows, No Shave November was last month. It ended December 1st. I recently removed the product of No Shave November about 10 minutes ago. On December 19th.
I'm a bum. 
I looked like a bum, a homeless bum. 

Like this, only less Shia LaBeuof, and more, well me. And less creepy mustache. 

I didn't shave for . . . 3 reasons. 
1) It keeps my face warm. Let's be serious, I live in Minnesota, otherwise known as Minnesnowta and I quote, "another Siberia, unfit for human habitation."
2) In all honesty, most days I generally don't care if I have some facial hair. It adds character and I am quite the character as everyone who knows me can attest to, and
3) I tend to be a bit lazy when it comes to that aspect of self grooming.

So with that out of the way, I am now the proud owner of a clean-shaven face.

Anyway . . . I believe I have begun catching up on sleep! He says at 5:30 in the morning. I slept till two yesterday, after sleeping for like ever the night before and not getting any the night before that. I do plan on sleeping at more normal hours in the coming future so this whole blog thing may have to be retitled, potentially. Although I do enjoy the title, it makes me happy and feel somewhat original! I really hope I start sleeping at normal hours anyway . . . I have an 8:30 class everyday next semester . . . stupid French. Oh well, it has to happen and all that. 
Now, I need to either go to sleep or just pull, another, all nighter . . . which are both bleak options. Sleep doesn't want to come to me and well, staying up again just seems like a simpler and easier option. Just bah. My circadian rhythm just loves me; we have a dysfunctional relationship.

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