Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Letter

I already posted one post, but I want and feel the need to post this too. 
It's a letter to the World (and I mean the WORLD and EVERYONE on it) about something I haven't been capable of really expressing, but am otherwise wanting to.

Oh, this is also me being SUPER INCREDIBLY passive-aggressive.

Dear World,

I know I suck at life sometimes. I know I don't go along with what you want. I know you are a pain in my neck. I also know that you can suck just as much as I can, if not more. I am aware that I suck, that I don't do what I'm supposed to, so please, explain to me, why you feel it necessary to keep bringing the things I suck at up? Particularly the minor things. I know I screwed them up somehow or other, but I don't like constantly reminded of it. I find it incredibly annoying. It also puts me in a huge funk. I don't like myself, or anyone for that matter, when I am in a funk. 

I would like you to please stop telling me repeatedly that I suck at things. Once would suffice, maybe twice. Not every single day when I don't stop screwing up whatever you want me to do perfectly. I have flaws, so do you. I don't point yours out, so why do you feel the need to point out mine? It's only common courtesy, but you seem to lack that sometimes . . . or most of the time. I generally like you, but when you do these things, I find myself trying to distance myself from everything and everyone, which isn't fair to those who had nothing to do with it. 

In closing, I would like to say that I wish you would stop messing life up and just let me go about my day without things like you screwing with things. Keep up the good work in the other aspects of my life in which you don't have your sticky fingers in. 

With Regards,

See, I told you I was being incredibly passive aggressive. It's not directed at a particular person, it's just people as a collective entity-type thing. I like to avoid conflict, I don't enjoy creating them or being involved in them, so instead, I do this nonsense, which is ridiculous. But I'm just venting and what not. 

Till next time, sleep tight.


Greetings and salutations

So, I am a bit late with this post. It happens, stuff comes up. This blog is not my first priority . . . which is a good thing.

Anyway, with less than 5 weeks remaining in my Freshman year of college, they have begun prepping us for our second year. That means registration up the nose. Okay, not really up the nose, but it's still ridiculous. 
Classes were the first thing to be registered for in preparation of next year. I managed to get into all but one of my classes. However, I am going to be keeping my eye on the class list and make sure I jump in any available space. I will be a ninja of sorts. Speaking of ninjas, I have a fun little tangent about that for later in the post. But I managed to get all the classes I needed for the Core (which is what I get for going to a liberal arts college) as well as working toward my Theatre major. Go me, go. I suppose if I can't get the one course I need, I can make my way into an English course that goes toward my major. Another major accomplishment on my end for course registration is that if all works out, I will have no 8 am classes, which are the bane of my existence. As of right now, I have class at 11:50 MWF and a Chem lab on T at 8, which is acceptable . . . sigh. 

The next bit of registration for next year is housing . . . where I will be living next year! Issues arose prior to the whole registration thing, but that was out of my control. Anyway, I will be living in a single somewhere on this side (and by this side, I mean not East Complex). By myself. It's a yay and nay sort of thing. But we shall see how that goes. HOWEVER, housing registration has been delayed twice. Twice. I have yet to register, nor have many other people for that matter. I even have a good lottery number, gosh darn it: 135, out of like 800 or something like that. I'm not sure how many people are in my class. But it is a small number of students. I've been informed that housing has been fixed and that they have identified the problem, so cross your fingers . . . and toes . . . and legs . . . and eyes . . . and everything else you can cross. 

Now for my fun little tangent about ninjas. I am one. Let's be honest. I am incredibly stealthy; people are freaked out by how stealthy I am. Particularly the fact that I just randomly show up. It isn't random, I intend to show up there. I'm just super quiet about it. I can't help that I have really non-existent footfalls. Unfortunately, I've been called creepy because of how stealthy I am . . . which I find untrue and makes me wonder whether they really believe I'm a creep or what, which is something I rarely care about. But I digress. 

That's all I really have for this time around. I would like to leave you with a song. By Adele. Who is a beast. She's amazing. 

Till next time, sleep tight

Update: I have registered for housing! I am the proud owner of a single on the 6th floor of Hoyum. Go me, go.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Greetings and salutations.

So, I have not had any real desire to post a new blog because of recent events in my life . . . let's just say it involves a Psychology project and the subject of said project.  Anyway, it has left me in a less than ideal mood and as such has taken my desire to blog away. So instead, I will give you several pictures that I stumbled upon on StumbleUpon. 


I'm pretty sure that's enough. I will have something for next week, don't worry. I really will. Unless I'm feeling capable of delivering something tomorrow . . . which I might then I'll just give you two posts in one week and not worry about something next week. One or the other. We'll see. 

Anyway, till next time, sleep tight.

Update - So, sad, but true story, several of my pictures have decided to not want to be looked at, so there are less pictures now then when I first posted this.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Making Things Up

Greetings and many salutations.

So guess who has no idea what to blog about this week? I'll give you three guesses:

If you guessed Hitler, boy do we have to have a conversation. A lengthy one. You'd also be wrong.
If you guessed Ke$ha, well, she's probably off being somewhere being sticky and doing things people with dollar signs in their names do. Again, you'd be wrong.
If you guessed that fine looking gentleman who's pictured last, then DING DING DING, we have a winner!

Speaking of Hitler, the first image that popped up during my Google search for Hitler was this:

and I thought it was brilliant. But that's the extent of how far I will go when dabbling with politics in this blog, unless I feel the need to go deeper. 

As said previously, I haven't spent much time thinking about what I should write about in this post. I'll be honest, it entered my mind briefly a few times over the week, but other than that, I really have nothing. So, I suppose I can try to think of something to start rambling about . . . AAAAAAAANNNNNNNDD GO! 

I suppose I could start by saying I have been in a less than ideal mood for the better part of the past two weeks. It takes a good deal to frustrate me, even for a few hours, but for me to be frustrated for days on end, that is highly unusual and incredibly rare. I can't really pinpoint a specific cause really, but a combination of people, myself, class, and other various things just kept me in a perpetual state of frustration. I was not a happy camper. 

And how did I deal with said frustration? Well, I'm the type of person who internalizes every negative emotion so I don't have to deal with them or someone else to deal with them, I don't know why, it's just how I am. Unfortunately, the amount of frustration was too much to try and internalize and I was clearly frustrated and people took notice, something I try my hardest to prevent. I just don't like people asking me what's wrong, but who does? So, in an effort to keep people from seeing me in my frustrated state, I isolated myself, the best I could anyway. But yes, the last two weeks were not among my favorites in terms of life. 
Fortunately, yes, there is a beautiful silver lining where everything gets better, and it starts with late night rehearsals and Frooties. Many, many Frooties. 

Gifts from God (or whatever spiritual deity you worship)

I have consumed more of these delicious things in the past week than I have in the past two years. Easily. They made life slowly better in juxtaposition with play practice. And orange juice. I have a unfounded love for the stuff; it's just so good. The cherry, however, to the Everything-Is-Going-Better Sundae is that I am currently chilling at my roommate's home awaiting to partake in many fun adventures at the Mall of America. That and I had a Shamrock Shake on the way down to the Cities. Oh and if I happen to have any non-Minnesota natives reading, the Cities is what Minnesotans call the Twin Cities, because, let's be honest, the Twin Cities is a bit much. So is saying each city: Minneapolis-St. Paul. It's legitimately a mouthful. Therefore, "the Cities" is a much more efficient name. It doesn't even matter if you're only going to one of the two, you would still say "the Cities." 

It's not much, but I like it
That, my friends, is the end of this post. Therefore, it is time for me to go curl up under a blanket and rest my weary head upon my pillow and zone out to music before entering a blissful slumber.
Till next time, sleep tight*.
*Still trying things out for good closer.

Update: I changed the picture of myself. I look much, much better in the new one. Just saying.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Greetings and salutations,

First things first, I realize that my posting habits are gradually shifting later and later in the week. I do intend to keep my posts coming, once a week, unless otherwise noted. In which case I will make a small announcement proclaiming no new post or something along those lines. 

Now that that's out of the way, on with the post! Please note that this post will make use of music. This post will make more sense if you listen to the songs. Oh, and also, this post is very cliche and makes blatantly obvious points.

If you were you to look through my iPod or my iTunes library, you would find a decent range of musical genres. I have a little of everything (not really everything), which makes for very interesting playlists while on shuffle. For example,

This bit . . .

. . . has led into this.

I chuckled at the delicious hilarity that was made. It made my day significantly better because of how brilliant my iPod was. Speaking of my iPod . . . I love it. It is easily one of my favorite possessions. Top 10, easily. 

My iPod . . . sort of.

I generally always have it on me and can generally be found walking about with my headphones in, especially if I'm headed to class. I remember during my Senior year I had misplaced it and couldn't find it for a few days and I was terrified because I thought I would lose a bunch of the music I had on there. Turns out it was in my backpack the whole time. Go figure. I suppose it goes without saying that music is all that is good in the world all thrown into sometimes beautiful melodies, moving lyrics, and other such musical terms with prettily descriptive adjectives.

It goes without saying that everyone and their mother listens to music of some sort. Whether it's country, rock, pop, techno, hey, even heavy metal, which I tend to avoid like the plague, but I digress. People listen to what sounds good to them. I am particularly fond of Alternative music, but I do have a soft spot for some pop music. Especially Ke$ha, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears (not in that order) . . . it's those beats and catchy lyrics that get me. I can't help it; they make me happy. 

If you were to look at the top played songs on my iTunes library, it would mostly be songs by Flyleaf. I just love their music.

The above song is the most played song in my library. I think it's brilliant. Flyleaf is not all acoustic beauty (I almost went with beautifulness, when I realized that would sound dumb), they also have some really great songs to rock out to, as seen below.

Other than that, my musical tastes have changed a bunch over the course of my life, all 18 years of it. I believe I caught the tail end of my mother's 80's hair band phase as a small child, shifted to Disney music (which is still awesome), to country for a while, a long while, back when I didn't know how to find my own music, to pop, to rock, to my musical tastes today when I can competently find my own music. I believe I have good taste in music, and many others would probably agree. 

So, now that this post is done, I feel as if I need to say that writing about music was probably not the best idea. I feel like it's hard to be original when talking about your preference in music and other such things of that nature. So if it reads a little "meh," I'm sorry that this post is a little sub-par. 

Now, go snuggle under your blanket and take a well deserved nap.*

*I'm trying to find some decent way to end my posts in a sleep related way, telling people to go read doesn't have much to do with my blog theme (late nights and what not) so bear with me as I try different things out.