Friday, February 18, 2011

Nothing In Particular

Oh, hello there.

First and foremost, I would like to welcome you to this post. Come on in, take a seat. Can I get you anything, something to drink perhaps? No? Okay. Don't hesitate to ask if you need something. On that note, I am sorry to say you will not find any snacks or beverages here. Sorry. The internet can only do so much. If I could find a way to give everyone a cookie or something via the internet, I would. As a consolation, I offer you this: 

As Valentine's Day was all of four days ago as of this posting, I hope everyone had a wonderful time with their significant other. If you're like me and were single this year, take comfort in the fact that you didn't have to spend money on someone, just to show you love them. Other than that, if next Valentine's Day rolls around and you lack a significant other, I will gladly be your Valentine. 

Wow, only a few paragraphs in and you have already gotten a basket of cookies AND a Valentine. This is starting out to be a great post, let's keep it that way.

So, I've decided that this post shall be bit of a post full of pictures, many pictures. Many, many pictures.

Today was a very good day. A good day indeed; it was the first day of break! And by break, I mean Spring Break! You know what that means: 

Keg stands!
PARTY!!! With pictures like this!
Lounging at the pool with all my people!

Or not. 

What's really going to go down is considerably cooler than any of the above pictures, with the exception of maybe the pool picture . . . maybe. I will be staying on Concordia's campus over break traipsing about doing whatever we please. We being Catherine and myself. It shall be fantastic. As mentioned in my previous post, a great many photos shall be taken, hopefully and many adventures shall be had. And generations of Cobbers shall speak of the adventures that will occur on the week that is Spring Break. 

Okay, not likely. But I'd like to pretend that our adventures will be awesome enough to be spoken about by future Cobbers.

I just decided that everyday of break I will attempt to put up a new post recapping the day . . . maybe I'll go every two days or something like that. I don't know, but I'll figure it out. 

Until then, keep reading; it's good stuff. And I don't mean just my posts, but in general. Reading is awesome.

If you read, it makes you infinitely cooler. This shirt proves it.

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