Thursday, April 19, 2012


So, a few of the blogs I follow and read fairly regularly have touched upon the topic of fear and what scares them. I decided to be a conformist and follow suit - this is a post of things that scare me.

Let me be upfront, I'm not generally a person to be super terrified of anything. Sure, I'll jump and have my moments during a haunted house, corn maze, etc, etc, but after it's over, I'm fine. I'm not going to be unable to sleep at night or have nightmares about it. 

However, there are a few things that terrify me like no other. One of these things is a fear I've had for nearly nineteen or so years. I absolutely refuse to include an image of it on here AND SO HELP ME if anyone of you numb skulls comments or sends his image to me, I will make sure you die a thousand deaths. Each painfully. 
I don't know what it is about him, but I'm absolutely terrified of this puppet. He had a television show a while back, you may have heard of it, Tales from the Crypt (I got chills and freaked out even just writing it). The Crypt Keeper scared the ever loving daylights out of me. My mom still makes fun of me to this day about it, not constantly, but every so often. Apparently whenever he would come on (I do question my mother's choices in letting me, a small boy with a developing mind, watch that or even have it on while I was around), I would panic, and try to get as physically close to her as possible, or as she likes to put, try to climb back inside of her. You can go thank her for that image. 
To this day, I can't watch the show, the movies, anything. That scene in Casper The Friendly Ghost where the dad is possessed or whatever by the three dead uncles? Yeah, that doesn't fly with me. I close my eyes, plug my ears, and will sit there like that until I'm sure it's safe to look again. 

All because of a puppet. And that creepy, creepy voice. 
Okay, enough thinking about that. 

That's really the only thing I'm genuinely afraid of.

Recently, the thing that scared me and actually carried over to something that wasn't the movie was The Orphanage. Not the movie itself, but just one character. It was, go figure, another dead person. The movie itself, AMAZING. It was just that this one character was so creepy and he just got stuck in your head after watching the movie. Not even kidding. 

Look at that thing! The movie was actually scary and it was SO GOOD. However, this small, dead, ghost child thing got to me after the movie was over. I went to shower (you're welcome for that image) after watching it, and I kept checking the shower stall because I was convinced he was going to pop up in the stall while I showered. It was the most nerve-wracking shower I think I've ever taken. 

My other fears aren't all that unusual.
I can't do the dark. I really can't. I get all panicky and anxious if I'm in the dark for too long, especially alone. I worry about what's outside of my sight and whether something nefarious and hurtful is there. Waiting to get me. 

I'm absolutely terrified of losing friends and alienating them over something I had no idea I did or didn't do or even without explanation, just whatever. This was actually a theme in a dream I had the other afternoon while napping. It was such intense fear that I woke up, checked my phone to make sure I didn't get any messages like what were sent to dream me and I even logged onto Facebook to check there too. It was probably the scariest ten minutes of my week. I legitimately panicked over the dream because I had thought it had actually happened.

Another fear of mine is failure . . . and not meeting my expectations and letting people down because of the expectations they have of me. Yeah, that one pretty much speaks for itself. It was really hard to admit to people I was taking time off because everyone expected me to go to college and do well and all that. The cross I bear being the golden child. 

I love roller coasters. However, I tend to get a little nervous on the very first hill. I think it's the anticipation of the impending drop. Or it's the amount of adrenaline my brain sends out. Either way, I do experience a bit of fear. 

I also get a little worried around spiders. If there's a spider in the shower, I won't shower. I will get dressed and not shower in that shower until I can get rid of the thing. I don't have a problem with shower buddies, but not eight legged ones. 

So, let the record show that, yes, I can't be the one to lead a group through a haunted house or a haunted maze or other places like that, but deep down, I'm not really a scared person. Unlike other people I know who can barely handle watching a trailer for a horror film. I do genuinely like  good horror films, films that build the suspense and BAM!!! When you're least expecting, the [villian/creature/monster/murderer/bad guy] comes out and [abducts/murders/eats/misfigures/etc] the people it's been terrorizing.

And that is really all I have for you. Kind of a haphazard wandering through a list of things that scare me. Not very long, but you know, I'm not really a scared person. I just tend to worry too much, even though I tell EVERYONE else I know not to. 

Anyway, until next time, g'night and sleep tight. 

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