Monday, August 1, 2011

Thirty Days, One

Greetings and salutations.

In this post, I've decided to do something unoriginal, possibly informative, and hopefully makes for an interesting post. 

A little bit of background so that I can put the post into some context: I have this wonderful little thing called a StumbleUpon account. During my sleepless nights, I take to the internet and push the little Stumble button I have and it takes me to hundreds and hundreds of websites based upon my selected interests.

With that button, I found myself a little list and have decided to partake in a Thirty Day Blog Challenge, a la the Facebook Thirty Day Challenge. But, instead of thirty separate blog posts, I've split the list into the three posts worth of ten off the list. As such, these will probably be among my longer posts, if not the longest.

Without further ado, I present to you Part One of Three of the Thirty Day Blog Challenge.

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts -

My name is Andrew, and I have a blog, which you're reading.
1. I am the oldest of four children.
2. I can cross my eyes, wiggle my ears, and wiggle my nose
3. At the same time.
4. I have a birthmark similar in shape to a stegosaurus or a fist.
5. I was born in an Air Force base hospital.
6. I am a connoisseur of oranges and orange juice.
7. I wear many bracelets . . . I feel naked without them. 
8. My knees pop often when I bend them to sit down.
9. I frequently have feet that are, as my mother eloquently puts it, "icebergs."
10. My main shoe of choice are Converse.
11. As much as I love to travel, I've never left the States. 
12. My shoulder pops when I move it a certain way.
13. I have both of my ears pierced. 
14. I will only let certain people cut my hair.
15. I'm bad about blogging, I almost don't know why I have one sometimes.

Day 2: Nicknames -
Andy, Andy-rew, J.C, Musical Hog, Rudd, and Pooh Bear. Four are from friends, two are from family. I think you can figure out which is which.

Day 3: Your first love -
In all honesty, I don't think I've had a first actual love. I'm kind of broken like that.

Day 4: Your parents -
Well, my mom is pretty fantastic. I don't really know what all to say about her that I haven't said before. It's back a few posts, somewhere. As for my dad, well, good question. 

Day 5: What song inspires you -

It's Arise by Flyleaf. I'm inspired by it so much, I went and had some song lyrics tattooed on my ribs. Really, any song by Flyleaf inspires me.

Day 6: Pet peeves -
The word "dude."

Day 7: What makes you happy - 
Music, friends, books, sleep, orange juice, family, and Baby Jesus. All in no particular order. 

Day 8: A place you’ve traveled to and where else you want to travel -
I've been to Chicago, New Orleans, Florida (twice), and various states stopping for food and bathroom breaks, because I count those since I've spent a good amount of time there. I know that isn't much, but that's not bad considering I'm from a single income, family of five, from a very poor county in Minnesota. I want to travel through Europe, like backpacking and the like. I would also like to visit every state in the Union and maybe pilfer a license plate from each one. 

Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend - 
This one isn't entirely fair; I have many friends who I'd consider to be my "best friend." So, I'll see what I can manage.   

Day 10: Something you’re afraid of - 
Failure, letting people down, my future (sometimes), and I'd post a picture, but I absolutely refuse to Google this because I'm that afraid of it and I don't want a constant reminder of it on my blog. The un-Google-able image for me is the Crypt Keeper from Tales From the Crypt (For the record, I get nervous just thinking about it, let alone typing it). One of those long seated fears from my childhood that I can't seem to shake. Google it yourself if you want to see for yourself, I'll wait. 

And that brings an end to Part One of my Thirty Day Blog Challenge. Technically, I'm cheating, but I really don't want thirty posts dedicated to just this. It also forces me to work my way back onto the schedule of a weekly post . . . since I haven't been doing it regularly for the past three months. 

Till next time, sleep tight.

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