Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Greetings and salutations.

So, recently, I've started thinking and those thoughts have been pretty . . . negative, for lack of a better word. More specifically, I've been thinking about people. And politics. And other things that involve people and their shining ignorance.

Now, I'm a pretty easy going person - live and let live and what not and I've never been incredibly vocal about these particular topics since people like to totally walk all over and ruin my train of thought. Plus, I get mildly anxious about trying to voice my thoughts on them. But, I really want to get my thoughts out on these ideas.

Bear with me, as I'll probably ramble a bit while trying to make my point.

Let's get started.

Republicans, more specifically Tea Partiers, really irritate me to no end. Here's my basic problem with them, elaborated with a handy dandy picture:

That. That right there is my biggest gripe with the Tea Party. That list could probably be extended by more knowledgeable individuals than myself, but that's a good start. 

Let's start with gay marriage. Why is the government involved in marriage anyway? Last time I checked, most people get married in a church, by a priest/minister/pastor/appropriate religious official. So, can someone please tell me why the government needs to be involved in something that belongs to God, who by the way, the Tea Party loves. Not saying I don't love the Big Guy upstairs, but religion doesn't matter to me in politics or whether someone can effectively lead me OR a country. 
As for the U.S. of A being a Christian nation, well, it certainly shouldn't be if it is one. Aren't we the land of the free? Isn't that why many people came to America? To escape religious persecution? To worship whatever deity they choose without fear of being hunted down and imprisoned (or whatever it is that happens)? You bet your sweet bippy they did! We were created as an equal nation and believe all men are created equal, that last bit is even in the Declaration of Independence. It's actually used pretty early on. It also mentions the right to the "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" relatively soon after that bit about all men being created equally. So take that Tea Party.

But I'm getting slightly off the point. Let's talk about abortion next . . . which is tricky to do well. So, here goes. Abortion is wrong. Clearly. However (and this is a really BIG however), I believe that under extremely specific circumstances, abortion should be allowed. Those exceptions include life or death situations for the mother and only as a last resort, or if the fetus is so far gone because of some deformations and there is no saving it. I'm not saying we should ban abortion; I'm appreciative of Planned Parenthood and those types of clinics for existing so women can go to a safe place and safely have an abortion instead of in a back alley with a rusty wire hanger, if they so choose to do so. I know that sounds really contradictory and trust me, I'm super aware of that fact. It's a super bizarre combination of thoughts. But we shouldn't ban abortion because women would seek out other methods in desperation. [Phew!!!] Abortion is tricky and a super touchy subject.

As for pornography. Really, Tea Party? Really? Yes, I can understand the point you're trying to make, but come on. That's going a little too far. I don't have a particular stance on this one, but I suppose I'm opposed to the banning of pornography. It doesn't make a lick of sense to me why you would. Especially considering it's a massive industry and those Republicans are a huge fan of big business!!!

I could probably go on and on about my political stances on a huge variety of issues, but that would get boring and where's the fun in that?

Another thing that really annoys me in my life is people who have this undeserved sense of superiority. It's particularly annoying when it's a really huge sense of undeserved superiority and there's a group of people like that. Now, I like to joke about how awesome I am and how much better I am than so-and-so, but I don't really mean it. Not for a minute do I honestly believe I am better than anybody . . . except MSUM and Women's Studies majors . . . ah ha ha ha, see what I did there? But I know so many people who legitimately believe they are better than other people based off totally ridiculous things. For example: relationship status; majors; future career aspirations; their significant other's major and future wealth.
On a semi-unrelated note, I also know people who throw a huge fit when people knock their major. Let's be honest, I'm a Theatre major. I'm also an English Writing major. Two of the most subjective majors, which require you to be able to sell yourself and accept massive amounts of criticism and rejection before you even get anything. So, if I make a joke about your major, suck it up! Have a sense of humor about things. I have to go through years of rejections, while you get to sit pretty behind some desk or wear some lab coat being successful AND WORKING, almost right away. I know why I'm talking about majors and what not now - I wanted to slip in the fact that as a Theatre major, I'm looked down upon. And that annoys me. 
It all makes sense now.

Sorry if this has been a really misleading post. I am sincerely annoyed by all of the aforementioned things, people, and ideas. Before you leave, I do need to tell you I am not some close minded bigot. I am actually pretty open minded and just have a really specific stance on things. My moral compass tells me so. I hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts and took something away from it.

Till next time, sleep tight.