Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Second Excuse

Greetings and salutations. 

Once again, I am afraid I have to make excuses and as such, I will not be putting up a new post this week . . . and I am unsure of when my next post will be up. I do have one in the works, however, I being the individual I am, have been forced to preempt my blog for something more important: life and my future. 

Until next time, sleep tight

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Greetings and salutations,

Holy news week, Batman! So much has happened, and it's barely May! 

We've had ourselves a wedding.

The world's most wanted man was found, and killed.

And in the mean time, I've sat at home, in my pajamas, playing Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.

Because I've been doing . . . well, nothing, it can only mean one thing: I'm officially done with my first year at Concordia. I did it, I made it! And it only cost me $36,000 to do it! The price I pay for a private, four year, liberal arts, Christian college. I have three more years . . . and what a trip it'll be.

ANYWAY, this is not a post for reminiscing about the past eight months, this is more or less about the next four months. Sort of. Or whatever random tangent I happen to fall into. Eh, we'll see. 

My plans for the summer

  1. Work - Paying 36,000 dollars a year for an education isn't cheap and I need the money anyway.
  2. Sleep - Seems counter-productive, but I really like sleep and seeing as how I didn't manage that much this past year, it's make up time.
  3. Alter my body - This means tattoos and piercings! Or something along these lines. I do want another piercing and I do want to be drawn upon with permanent ink. So, we'll see. 
  4. Give blood - At least one more time before I partake in number 3.
  5. Hanging out with friends - This includes Cobbers, TECies, and people from East Central, hereby known as Eagles. The Eagles category includes any East Central alumnus.
  6. Make everything up as I go - Which is generally how I make my plans. 
  7. Blog - Maybe less frequently. Probably. Maybe. Meh. Kind of flaky on this decision.
  8. Game - A little ambition of mine is to work my way through the Legend of Zelda games. Fun little story, I've never actually beaten any of the Legend of Zelda games I've started. I usually reach a spot and leave it for a bit, and when I go back to play my game was deleted. Which really torques me; some people have no respect or decency.
It shall be a glorious four months of summer. I have high hopes that this summer shall be easily one of the best. Then it's back to Concordia with some of my favorite people and back to floor 6!!! In a room of my own! I have many, many plans. One such plan includes a hammock. 

Or something along the lines I can transform into a nest like area. My bed was pretty much a nest of pillows and blankets last year and it was fantastic. I want to take that and make it better. Because I'm a being of simple comforts, I enjoy a comfortable bed and sleeping area. I can't help it. When I do sleep, I like to be comfortable. Although, I do find a way to sleep almost anywhere . . . because I can nap really anywhere.

So, with that, I suppose I should say till next time, sleep tight.