Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The First Excuse

Greetings and salutations.

If you came here looking for the weekly update, well, sorry to disappoint. I have Finals this week and well, I procrastinated with this post. Finals > Blog; it's just simple math.

Anyway, I promise to have a new post up after Finals are done. On Friday morning. Promise. 

Till then, sleep tight.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Greetings and salutations

CORNSTOCK!!! It was here! It happened! There are pictures to prove it happened! 

See? It happened. Photographic evidence

OK Go was here. And it was awesome! There were also many drunk people. And I love drunk people. They are so much fun to watch stagger about. That, and I was tackled by one in an effort to hug me. It was pretty fantastic. But Cornstock was a pretty fantastic Saturday night. I rode a mechanical bull, I would put a picture up, but there are no pictures on my person. Someone else took pictures, but they haven't been uploaded yet. I climbed a volcano, I also raced through prison. It was awesome.  

Prior to this, my little group and I went to DS (or Dining Services for all you non-Cobbers) and saw several drunk people there too. Drunk people were seriously everywhere. I was . . . well, not so much surprised that there were drunk people everywhere, but yeah. I don't really know where I was going with that sentence. Anyway, one such person was staggering about trying to leave DS to go the bathroom. He was falling all over the place: the wall, the counter thing where they swipe our IDs letting us in, and he was doing all of this with a handful of fries. It was hilarious. 
On our way back from DS, we were walking on the sidewalk to Hoyum and a cop car, a legit cop car, drove up onto the sidewalk to get to the building DS is in. We more or less were almost killed, but not really. We ended up walking on the sidewalk to let the cop car go past. 
So that was Cornstock and my Saturday night. Sunday was my lazy day and I did really nothing except sing and play my trumpet. So there was that. Concordia has this yearly thing where all the choirs come together and sing in a massive concert called Oratorio. It was awesome. 

We performed Beethoven's Ninth. Which is amazing. Apparently, there are many orchestras and choirs that won't touch it because it's challenging, which it is. However, here at Concordia, we like to laugh at challenges and kick them to the curb. So, I can proudly say I am one of few, but still many, people who have sang Beethoven's Ninth. Gold star. For everyone involved.

That's all I have for you this time. So, until next time, sleep tight. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

The End

Greetings and salutations,

No, not that The End, but of the end of my first year here at Concordia. I still have a total of nine class days left, which means I have nine French classes, two IWC classes, five Psychology classes, and three acting classes left. Crazy! But more about that later. 

Last week, oh last week. What an interesting week you were. First, I did something that was far from my best decision ever. It involved me doing something . . . I've never done before and probably needed to do (it's not illegal, fret not). After I did that little bit, I went for a walk. That walk took me into Fargo, all the way to University Dr . . . and back.

My trek
Did I mention this was at like three in the morning? Because it was. Oops?

I found my way back to campus by about 5:30 . . . and just slept. I woke up and my knee was sore which I interpreted as my body telling me that I was a moron for doing that and not to do it again. My knee is still sore. But I did find that the whole experience left me feeling better and alleviated the problem I was having, for the time being. I'm being passive aggressive again; not mentioning the problem, but I'm still not comfortable with the whole thing yet.

Anyway, other than that little moment, it's business as usual here in Cobberville. Classes, homework, tutoring, nap time, rehearsal, singing ridiculous notes that I'm physically/vocally incapable of singing, bopping around being awesome, and the like. 

And then there was Saturday. Oh, Saturday. Saturday was great! Fubuki Daiko, a drumming troupe, trained in taiko drumming, came and performed for the area; it was actually really good; I was thoroughly entertained. 

Then there was the Secondhand Prom. That was a great, great time. I had a ton of fun just taking the pictures there. Dancing was good too, but the pictures were the best part!

See what I mean? And as the above pictures suggest, I was accompanied to prom by several of women from Floor 7. And as such, I've been called a pimp, and also a whore. So, it was an interesting series of events. Unfortunately, many pictures were misplaced by a computer and we thought they were gone forever, but we found them! And by we, I mean not me. So we have so many wonderful pictures of the evening. 

Sunday night was the last rehearsal of Bang Bang, You're Dead. It went super well, and I don't want to jinx us by saying this, but I think we'll do very well <knock on wood>. 

Monday we perform and then it's over. Yup, no more One Act till next year. Hopefully next year, I can make it into more shows, I want to be on Mainstage so badly. We'll just see how it all plays out. 

And that's all I've really got for this one. 

Till next time, sleep tight.